Call for Presentations

You are invited to submit a 1 page abstract for the BeMilCIS 2025 conference, which takes place on Tuesday, May 27th of June 2025 in PEUTIE.  

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

The topic need to be of a sufficient technical level, while still accessible for a broad CIS audience.


The submission for the conference can be done by sending a one page abstract of the  presentation to, or, or NLT 14 March 2025. The abstract will be reviewed by a technical program committee and a notification of acceptance will be given NLT 04 April 2025. Note that all accepted abstracts will be published. 

The abstract may be edited in Word, font 12 and in your own mother-tongue. A template for the abstract can be found at the bottom of this page.


Presentations will be 30 minutes in duration, including 5-10 minutes for questions. The presentations need to be supported by slides (ppt of pdf) in English. The presentation itself can be given in a language of your choice (N-F-E). 

Important dates

BeMilCIS abstract template.dotx